Oppose Robinson Amendment to SSB 5096
Please act now to save Real Estate from Capital Gains Tax
The Senate Capital Gains Tax bill SSB 5096 is scheduled to be voted on in the Senate tomorrow and has just been amended to be harmful to Real Estate and to require that you now must pay Capital Gains on most Real Estate sales.
Please send a message to Leadership in the Senate that you STRONGLY OPPOSE the Robinson Amendment, and specifically OPPOSE rolling back the definition of “real estate” to exclude many of the common forms of ownership.
Lawmaker emails:
Sen. June Robinson - june.robinson@leg.wa.gov
Sen. Marko Liias - marko.liias@leg.wa.gov
Sen. Andy Billig - andy.billig@leg.wa.gov
Sen. Christine Rolfes - christine.rolfes@leg.wa.gov
Sen. Jamie Pedersen - jamie.pedersen@leg.wa.gov
Sample Member Letter:
Dear Senator [SENATOR'S NAME]:
I am writing today to ask you to oppose Sen. Robinson’s Amendment to SSB 5096, which removed negotiated language for real estate. I own real property in the State of Washington and have STRONG OPPOSITION to the Robinson Amendment, specifically rolling back the definition of “real estate” to exclude many of the common forms of ownership.
Best business practices for years have recommended that real estate assets be held in entities such as LLCs. With real estate excise tax in Washington already among the highest in the nation, I cannot possibly bear the burden of an additional capital gains tax on real estate.
The original language was simple and included language that was negotiated and supported which said, "’Real estate’ has the same meaning as in RCW 82.45.032.” We ask that you Oppose the Amendment, strike the new exceptions, and return the language to what was negotiated on the Substitute bill, SSB 5096.
We ask that you please make the following change:
"Real estate" has the same meaning as in RCW 82.45.032., except that real estate does not include an individual's ownership interest or beneficial interest in an entity which itself owns an interest in real property located in this state for the purposes of this chapter.
Please consider me and my fellow real estate owners in your district and vote NO on the Robinson Amendment to SSB 5096.
Include your personal information so the Senator or their staff can contact you if they would like to discuss your message. If you own property in their district, use that property as your address. You can use this tool to view the legislative districts in Washington.