2022 Reagan Dunn for Congress -- 8th Congressional District
Date postedMarch 23, 2022
Dear WBPA Members,
Please join me, Kevin Wallace, at my good friend Reagan Dunn’s kickoff for his campaign for the 8th Congressional District FRIDAY, MARCH 25th @ 7:30 AM, at the Hilton Bellevue.
This is a critically important race, as Reagan will win if he has our support, and will be an incredibly effective leader for our region, as well as our Country.
The Hilton is located at 300 112th Ave SE, in Bellevue. If you’re unable to attend, please consider a contribution via his website: www.reagandunn.com.

Thank you,
Chester Baldwin, Attorney at Law
Washington Business Properties Assn
Cell: (360) 688-4588
Fax: (360) 841-7062